PUDO Experience
Duration .  13 weeks
National University of Singapore      x    TUM Asia

With more autonomous vehicles in Singapore, how can we prepare for better safety, experience and efficiency for users in cities.
Future forecast predicts that Ride hailing autonomous vehicles will be apparent in most cities yet its infrastructures is not well prepared for the rising trends.
How can we improve existing pick up drop off points (capital tower) to better accommodate autonomous vehicles while also improving users experiences.
Multiple solutions around the PUDO and existing applications provides a better flow of autonomous vehicle and a better experience for users.
scroll down to find out more
Discovery Phase
Secondary Research
Collating knowledge and observations to discover new insights.
Scaled down floor plan allows simulation of potential solutions.
Interview users for their insights, experiences and challenges.
Collated all insights and creating an overall persona and goal of the project.
Collating knowledge and observations to discover new insights.
Scaled down floor plan allows simulation of potential solutions.
Interview users for their insights, experiences and challenges.
Collated all insights and creating an overall persona and goal of the project.
Create simulation to better understand the pros and cons of certain ideas.
User Research
Understand users needs and wishes through in-depth interviews and observations.
Diverse Team
Collaborated with computer scientist and Psychology to create a more holistic outcome.
Learn from experts to better aid in our project.
Capital Tower
Capital Tower
The location lacked a proper flow of traffic which hinders safety to pedestrian. Waiting areas was not planned efficiently, causing non optimum waiting experiences.

- Efficiency

- Safety

- Productivity
Here is our solutions
The Road
1 way 2 lane road.
Pick up drop off area.
The Exit
Illegal waiting is prominent.
Lane markings

Hybrid traffic light system

Planters at entrance
Seating and working tables

Extended PUDO

PWD supported functions
Waiting lots


Planters at exit
Solution Phase
Suggesting a large range of potential solutions from challenges.
Pin pointing solutions that is has the biggest cost to impact ratio.
User surveys allowed us to understand what people think of these solutions.
Refined solutions that has the best feasibility and response from users.
Suggesting a large range of potential solutions from challenges.
Pin pointing solutions that is has the biggest cost to impact ratio.
User surveys allowed us to understand what people think of these solutions.
Refined solutions that has the best feasibility and response from users.

The Road
Safer and better flow of traffic and pedestrians.

- Lane markings

- Hybrid traffic light system

- Planters at entrance
- Improved pedestrian safety and aesthetics of location.

- Enhanced AV navigation and revenue abilities on hybrid traffic screens.

- Efficient traffic flow eliminating jams.

Productive and stress free waiting experience.

- Seating and working tables

- Extended PUDO

- PWD supported functions
- Optimize space used, creating better boarding/ alighting experience.

- Increase users productivity and social cohesion when waiting.

- Safer and more efficient PWD experience.

The Exit
Providing safer waiting solutions.

- Waiting lots

- Adaptive Cameras

- Planters at exit
- Eliminate congestions and illegal waiting.

- Improving waiting experiences by increasing use for lots.

- Adaptive crowd management system around PUDO location.
Physical Model
Physical Model
- Allows simulation of solutions to gather observable insights.

- Allows a visualization of solutions to client.
We also made an application
Using an Existing Application
Adding features to existing application allows easy onboarding for users.
On Boarding
Allowing users to understand and be aware of new features.
No waiting
Notify users if location does not allow waiting.
AV assistance
Efficient and Humanized UI for both users and PWD.
Find my AV Web base QR
Find my AV
Recognition technology at PUDO allows notification of vehicles arrival.
- Chance to dive deeper into user research and user experience.

- Opportunity to created unified solutions through CAD and physical simulations.

- Ability to pin point feasible solutions with better effort to impact ratios.
Under the guidance of
Dr. Jung Joo Lee

National University of Singapore  X  TUM Asia